We Charge Genocide

We Charge Genocide

We Charge Genocide is a grassroots, inter-generational effort to center the voices and experiences of the young people most targeted by police violence in Chicago. We Charge Genocide was started to offer a vehicle for needed organizing and social transformation. They...
Severine Von Tscharner Fleming and Greenhorns

Severine Von Tscharner Fleming and Greenhorns

Greenhorns works to create a welcoming and hospitable culture for new entrants in sustainable agriculture. We have made films, radio, guidebooks, parties+trainings, almanacs, anthologies, song collections, exhibits, mixers, art-stunts and trans-media collaboratives...
Street Vendors Project

Street Vendors Project

A project of the Urban Justice Center, the Street Vendor Project is a membership-based project with more than 2,000 vendor members who are working together to create a vendors’ movement for permanent change. We reach out to vendors in the streets and storage garages...
Billboard Liberation Front

Billboard Liberation Front

Headquartered in San Francisco, the BLF is a privately-held, worker-controlled shadow entity with no phone number and no permanent address. Our highly secure operating environment and extralegal status guarantee our clients the acme of service, while our...
Tim DeCristopher / Bidder 70

Tim DeCristopher / Bidder 70

Tim DeChristopher disrupted an illegitimate Bureau of Land Management oil and gas auction in December of 2008, by posing as Bidder 70 and outbidding oil companies for parcels around Arches and Canyon Lands National Park\ in Utah.For his act of civil disobedience,...