Community Service is the core of our work. We respond to as many community requests for support as we can. Some of our campaigns are driven by sheer necessity others by an imperative we find irresistible. Please contact us if you think you need our help.

The work against white supremacy is everyday work. State violence, systemic violence against Black and Brown people continues, incarceration, police brutality, exclusion and oppression, also! economic/wage inequality and just the general omnipresence of microaggressions and colonial repression, Make it stop! Stop it!
We support Freedom of Movement and Open Borders. We have worked with activists and organizers on Immigration issues since 2007. Bikes Against Deportation, Love No Border, Water Not Walls, What Would You Pack?
PUBLIC SPACE & The 1st Amendment
Defending Public Space is defending Activism, without the Commons we are isolated and unable to access our most basic resource- collective power..
Homophobia, Libraries, Trees, Parks, Whistleblowers, Union organizing, Bikes!, Gardens, Power Plants, Democracy – much of what we do falls out of category.
Making change is something we all know at least a little about. You don’t need to be an expert to recognize when something isn’t working, isn’t fair and needs change, just like you don’t have to be an expert to gather some people around and talk. You don’t need to be an expert to make a decision together or plan an action. You don’t need to be an expert to tell others what you did. And there ! Thats the basic work of activism.
Frequently Asked Questions
How did you decide to become activists?
The moment that we’ve all had in our ‘church’ is standing up to overwhelming power, usually corporations, sometimes government, always police. The route to that moment, well, no two of us are took the same road. Our conscience is awakened by our witness to cruelty, dumb consumerism, racism and homophobia and disrespect for the Earth. We have that experience that we never forget. After that it is no longer a question of bravery, ego, fear or even anger. Its the heart beat of justice! Love-a-lujah! Earthalujah!
Why do you do this?
Why do we live? Why do we breath and walk and work and love? Using our theater chops, our fire dancing, puppetry, whatever we have from telepathy to muscles… to make dramatic meaning for passersby, explaining the crimes of a hater or a profiteer…. Why do we live?
Can Rev and The Choir join our Campaign?
Let’s try! We say no to Consumerism, which is the cultural arm, the enforcing and seducing system – of Capitalism. So our objection is so basic, lots of the sins of the world fall into this critique. We have paraded, and sung, and occupied and prayed with activists in Appalachia taking on Big Coal, pipelines from North Dakota to Boston, super malls and chain stores on four continents… Maybe we’ll work together!
How do I get involved with your work?
It has to be your work too. So the answer, and we’re not trying to be cute – how do we get involved with you? It’s best for people to be strong as they start with us, with their strength set. Sometimes activists walk through one door. Or they are singers or musicians, and walk thrugh another door. The activists teach the singers to protest and the singers teach the activists to sing. What will you teach? What will you learn?
If I had to choose one issue to work on……?
What we work on isn’t usually an intellectual choice. We don’t compare causes and weigh pros and cons. You should assume that you will be creative – in the sense of disordering your settled beliefs. You will work long hours, interact with a number of folks, be your own best advocate, and ultimately be in danger.
How do you measure success?
There’s no analytic for this, nothing like elections or adding up clicks. But we may see an appreciation for our work in the hug of a mother gives us who lives near a refinery, or a beekeeper, or a small shop proprietor endangered by Jared Kushner, or a clown out at Coney Island. The work of justice, finally, is its own reward. We make sure we have at least some fun doing it.