by Savitri D | May 23, 2021 | News
GLYPHOSATE BANNED IN NYC PUBLIC PARKS! Seven years ago we started mapping Glyphosate spraying events in public spaces, and now, April 2021 City Council finally wised up and passed a bill banning it in our Public Spaces. Alot of people worked on this: activists,...
by Savitri D | Apr 26, 2021 | News
Here some recent imagery from NYC! Sheilds, chalk, baby...
by Savitri D | Mar 15, 2021 | News
We spent the day in the meadowlands, training, learning, growing— our expectations are very different after Covid- we come into the earth with new questions and new ears. So many urgent issues and crises all the time, but the main one seems to be how to stay...
by Savitri D | Feb 1, 2021 | News
Reverend Billy Radio is on 30 stations across the country now, all kinds of independent stations in towns and cities, maybe you came here because you heard it on one of those stations? its reassuring to know there are people out there listening, these are not easy...
by Savitri D | Nov 30, 2020 | Event, News
Black Friday we went to Jeff Bezos’ mansion on Fifth Ave — we chalked 20, 000 dollar signs, one for each of the workers who have contracted Covid in Amazon’s Warehouses. We were joined by The Congress of Essential Workers, and the Stop Shopping...
by Savitri D | Oct 12, 2020 | News
No Mas at Zuccotti park ! Celebrating the Great David Graeber. 220 events around the world. David, we won’t forget...
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