Change Without Us
This music was created during the pandemic, on rooftops, in parks and on the streets of New York City. We sang them for audiences across the UK on our way to the COP26 Climate Summit in Glasgow with the StopShopping Choir London and recorded them in the depth of winter in upstate NY.
Music From The Stop Shopping Choir
Widening Gyre was recorded remotely in June 2020, in the last weeks of NYC”s nearly 4 month shutdown and produced by Travis Tench at Oak Hill Audio. Each of the musicians and singers laid down their track alone at home listening to the bass guitar and in some cases the lead vocal. The song was conceived by Reverend Billy just after the election of Donald Trump and created in March of 2017 by Nehemiah Luckett and Nate Stevens, a commision from the New York Public Library and Creative Time for a performance in St John of The Divine Cathedral in NYC.
The Second Coming by William Butler Yeats.
Most of these songs are written by Bill Talen, Nehemiah Luckett, Savitri D, William Moses, Benny Keys, Laura Newman, E. Katrina Lewis & Rick Ulfik with contributions by Nate Stevens, Gregory Corbino, John Carlin, Gina Figueroa, Dragonfly, Sunder Ganglani, & James Solomon Benn among others.
Primary production by Juno Black, William Moses & Jason Candler at Avatar, Godelstring, The Maids Room NYC
The Stop Shopping Hymnal
Choirs, Singers, Scholars, & Singing Activists! We invite you to VISIT OUR HYMNAL. This is where we store songs, lyrics, sheet music, work recordings and CHANTS. Please let us know if you plan to perform this work and if possible please credit the Artists. Thank You!


The Fiery Eagles of Justice formed in 2016. Jason Candler on saxaphone and instruments, Brendan Burke on drums and Billy Talen on vocals. They specialize in long form improvisation. Listen to their music here.