Saints carry the water, do the work, inspire us, teach us. These are people who deserve recognition and gratitude and we love nothing more than to bring them up on stage and give them some hot light and a live mic. Here is Rachel Rivera from New York Community Coalition, she fought for the Rockaways after Hurricane Sandy. Thank you Rachel. Here are just a few of the more than 100 saints beatified by The Chuch of Stop Shopping. Title photo of Picture The Homeless.

Jennifer Miller

Street Vendors Project

Neil Young and Darryl Hannah
Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir is a collaborative social project and is the sum of the many contributions made by those who have worked in this circle. For the thousands of decisions that were made, THANK YOU.
Sidney Lanier
Spalding Gray
Andrew O’Hehir
Julie Talen
Derrick Mcginty
Dee Dee Halleck
Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Martha Wilson
Basem Aly
Anthony Torn
Brendan Burke
Steve McMaster
Larry Harvey
Tony Torn, Director
William Henry, Music Director and Arranger
Benny Keys, Music Director and Composer
James Solomon Benn, Music Director
Rick Ulfik, Arranger and Composer
William Moses, Music Director and Composer
Laura Newman, Singer, Composer and Filmmaker
Julio Herrera, Musician
Katrina Lewis, Music Director and Composer
Derrick McGinty, Musician
Basem Aly, Media Strategist
Michael O’Neil, Political Organizer
Matthew Roth, Media Strategist
Andy Blue Campaigner
Marnie Glickman, Media Strategist
Richard Sandler
Rob Van Alkamades
Jacquie Soohen, Rick Rowley & Big Noise Films
Dee Dee Halleck
Dietmar Post & Lucia Palacios
Tewodros Tamirat
Morgan Spurlock
Laura Newman
John Quilty
Brennan Cavanaugh
Fred Askew
Eric Brown
Erik McGregor
Savitri D
Anthony Roberts
Matthias Von Hartz
Melanie Joseph
Shanta Thake
Chris Zahn
St. Marks in the Bowery
Carol Wilder
Burning Man Organization
Wylie Stecklow
Laurence Singer
Terry Gross
Art Goldberg
Normal Siegel
Dave Rankin
Sam Cohen
National Lawyers Guild
Electronic Frontier Foundation

Brooklyn Anti Gentrification Network
Retail Action Project
Reclaim Pride Coalition
Code Pink
New Sanctuary Coalition
Bernard Polumbo & El Taller Latino Americano
Orleans Prison Project
Father Frank & Iowa Catholic Workers
Tareke Ortiz
Resist CVE
Coalition to Save Chinatown
Picture the Homeless
The Zad
Hemispheric Institute
Defend Democracy in Brazil
More Gardens
The Black Institute
Sylvia Rivera Law Project
6th Street Community Center, NYC
Alnoor Ladha, The Rules
Angelo Fontana Shoe repair, East Village, NYC
Annie Sprinkle & Beth Stephens
Billboard Liberation Front
Billionaires for Bush
Bo Webb, Appalachian Community Health Emergency
Burners Without Borders
Catholic Workers Union
Charas/El Bohio Community Center, NYC
Children’s Magical Garden, NYC
Chris Hedges
Citizens for a Free Cotati, CA
Citizens to Save Carnegie Hall Studios, NYC
Claire Donahue
Coalition of Immokalee workers
Code Pink
David Graeber, Anthropologist and Author
Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn, NYC
Dick Zigun & Coney Island
Douglas Rushkoff
Earth GuardiansEarth FIrst
Equal Exchange
Esperanza Garden, NYC
Fridays For Future
Forest Ethics
Gays Against Guns
Global Exchange, CA
Global Grassroots Justice, USA
Groenfront, Holland
Guerilla Drive-In, Santa Cruz, CA
Imani Henry Equality for Flatbush
The INDYpendent
International Workers of The World
Iraq Veterans Against The War
Jack and Peter and Le Petit Versailles Community Garden
Jaunita Nelson, War tax Resistor
Jennifer Miller, Circus Amok
Jesusa Rodriquez
Joanna Muldhar, Landworkers Alliance
Judy Bonds
Karen Washington, New York City Garden Coalition
Larry Gibson, Keeper of the Mountains
Laura Flanders
League of War Resisters, NY, MA, VT
Lower East Side Girls Club
Mel Evans, Liberate Tate
Mike Roselle
More Gardens, NYC
Morgan Jenness
National Lawyers Guild
New Sanctuary Coalition
No Spray Coalition (NSC)
Nuclear Free Jubilee, VT
People’s Puppets, New York City
Picture The Homeless
Patricia Okomou
Poor Farmers Project, Ethiopia
Rachel Rivera NYCC
Radical Homosexual Agenda
Retail Action Project, NYC
Right Action Group, Trinidad & Tobago
Ronnie Cummins, Organic Consumers Association
Saru Jarayaman, Restaraunt Opportunity Center
Saving Iceland, Iceland
Severine Fleming, Greenhorns & Farmhack
Shop Drop, Belgium*
Street Vendors Project, NYC
Sunset Park Ice Watch
Tax Resistors, USA*
Tim De Christopher
Time’s Up!
Transportation Alternatives, NYC
Union Square Community Coalition, NYC
Unite 169, Green Grocers, NYC
We Charge Genocide, Chicago
We Save Trees, Freshwater, CA
Whole Earth Bakery, East Village, NYC
Working People’s Law Center, LA